Monday, November 5, 2012

Potluck Monday are you up for the Challenge?

It is Monday morning, and for most a start of another work week, for others they are just getting themselves out from under this super storm.  So I wanted to try something very different, I wanted to to start a potluck gathering of my ohana.  Let's face it, many of my friends know I have spent the past week without electric, and the weekend throwing out all the food in my house.  

Now this is not a pity party because there are way to many people int his region where I live that have it way worse than I do.  This call to arms is a potluck dinner, which as many of you know is a gathering of people where each person or may contribute a dish of food they have prepared  for everyone to enjoy. 

So I am asking you to contribute not a dish but a recipe, a potluck supper idea that can be shared with others. So are you my ohana up to this challenge?  I have  started with my own recipe, so what kind of pot luck supper ideas can we discover together? Are we up for the challenge? Please email your recipes to  I look forward to hear from you and posting the potluck recipes, and even pics (including your favorite H50) if you have any all week.

Baked Chicken and Rice

2 lbs of assorted chicken pieces
1 cup rice
1 can cream of chicken soup
1-1/2 cans water
1-1/2 cup peas (frozen or canned well drained)

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 
  2. In a small bowl mix  soup and water. Spray a roasting pan with non-stick spray.  Sprinkle rice over bottom of roasting pan. Add soup, peas, then place chicken pieces on top. Salt and pepper to taste. 
  3. Cover with foil and cook 350 degrees for 1 hour. 

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